Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 17

Tic-tac-tic-tac. Time’s running out.

I’ve been hunkered down and working all day. I’ve realized that I’m pressed on time, so I’ve given up on some features in favor of others. For example I created the most basic GUI of all time in the bottom left corner that changes colour based on the amount of lives you have. I also added a “GAME OVER” screen, that shows up for three seconds until the game restarts itself.

Inadvertently, it’s causing memory leaks, which origin I cannot seem to find. I also reorganized the code so that it’s easier to read (it’s still a jumbled mess).

SDL TTF just didn’t work out, giving it another go tomorrow. Here’s the thing though, the tutorials that are available online are both contradicting and hard to understand (at least for me with my limited knowledge of.. everything really). 

So, I’ll be chasing down memory leaks most of the night, and trying to solve different issues before implementing anything new.

It’s 22:44 ; Sleep does not seem to be an option any time soon.

About perkulatorn

I'm a 21 year old Gamedesign student at Uppsala University Campus Gotland. Creator of: Terminal Flight - Top Down Rogue Game Melvind - Tower Defense (http://doodlemeat.se/ggj13) Totemic - King of the Hill Competitive Game (WIP) Tamarrion - Hardcore RPG (tamarriongame.com , tamarriongame.wordpress.com)

One response to “Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 17

  1. I love your devotion man! Keep up the great work!

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