Spelprogrammering – Assignment – 10, 11, 12 & 13

Finally getting a hang of it. Spent the entire weekend working on Sprites, Collision (there’s two separate colliders now, one hard-coded for the paddle and the ball and one that functions between the ball and the bricks) and figuring out a way to remove bricks when collided with, which actually works now.

Day 10: The Collision is put in place. There’s two separate ones, one of them, the hard-coded one (yes, it’s not the best way of doing it, but the issue is that I can’t get my collider to work with both the bricks and the paddle) doesn’t work quite as well as I’d like. Right now there’s no proper side-collision and there seems to be an issue with the x/y coordinates of the player.

Day 11 & 12: Worked on removing bricks from the screen when collided with, also worked in more sprites and bricks to make the game more appealing. Also started working with the direction of the ball, so that it actually bounces, and started the work on creating a situational direction based on where the ball hits the paddle/brick (Based on the center of the sprite).

Day 13: Implemented sound, brick destruction and starting conditions of the ball. They work flawlessly. Reworked the direction on the y/x axis of the ball as it moves. Still working on changing the direction of the balls bouncing based on where it hits. I’ve got an idea that hopefully will be implemented later tonight. There’s still an issue with the collision of the paddle and the ball -> hopefully I might have a solution.

I’ll leave you with an image.


About perkulatorn

I'm a 21 year old Gamedesign student at Uppsala University Campus Gotland. Creator of: Terminal Flight - Top Down Rogue Game Melvind - Tower Defense (http://doodlemeat.se/ggj13) Totemic - King of the Hill Competitive Game (WIP) Tamarrion - Hardcore RPG (tamarriongame.com , tamarriongame.wordpress.com)

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