Spelprogrammering I – Assignm,ent – 7,8 & 9.

I don’t have the required skills to do this, as I honestly haven’t learnt enough in class. I don’t know if that’s because it’s to hard for me or if it’s just that there’s no way you can go in to this class without prior knowledge or some kind of outside knowledge (that I obviously don’t know about). 

With that said, I’m still trying.

Day 7: Worked for about two hours on getting the collision to work in a reversed engineered Pong.

Day 8: Didn’t do much. Felt hopeless and just irritated. Tried reading up on SDL online and in books, didn’t exactly help as either you’d be copying straight off or just mixing code that wouldn’t work. What the hell have I missed? 

Day 9 (In class): Worked with Viktor, created bricks and got ourselves some working collision for the paddle. We’re still both just mix-mashing code from different projects as we’re not even close to proficient enough to just create code on the top of our heads. As I mentioned earlier, either we’ve missed something, or there is absolutely no way that this is supposed to be a “no prior knowledge required” type of class. 

But, to check off our list, we’ve got a working paddle, collision with the paddle and the ball and walls.

About perkulatorn

I'm a 21 year old Gamedesign student at Uppsala University Campus Gotland. Creator of: Terminal Flight - Top Down Rogue Game Melvind - Tower Defense (http://doodlemeat.se/ggj13) Totemic - King of the Hill Competitive Game (WIP) Tamarrion - Hardcore RPG (tamarriongame.com , tamarriongame.wordpress.com)

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